Staying Safe Online
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The following links provide you with with access to information, advice and the ability to report concerning each of these important issues.

An Garda Síochána

In an emergency always dial 999/112. You should use this service if a crime or incident is happening now or if anyone is in immediate danger.

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Contacting An Garda Síochána



Speak to the child, their parents and or their friends if you are concerned that bullying is taking place.

Information & Advice

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Think U Know | Online bullying

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ChildLine | Online Bullying

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Internet Matters | Cyberbullying

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UK Safer Internet Centre | Teachers & Professionals

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Talk to the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000

Sexting - Issues with Images

Make sure you’ve read the section on Sexting on this App.

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ISPCC Childline

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Talk to the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000

