Digital Test
Safeguarding 1 Refresher title with Sport Ireland and Sport NI logos
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Complete the Digital Test by correctly answering the questions below and scoring 80% or more. When you pass the test you will receive a Digital Certificate.

There is a level of harm, defined in the legislation, where statutory authorities will intervene if a child is in danger of abuse.

Neglect is not considered a form of abuse

If someone is offering their time voluntarily then the organisation should not bother interviewing/meeting them to assess their suitability

You can never touch a child in any circumstances in sport.

Young people posting comments about each other on social media after training is nothing to do with the club

One of the guiding principles for children and YP involved in sport is having fun in a safe environment.

Physical contact with a young person should be in an open environment with the permission and understanding of the participant.

The club is always responsible for the athletes when travelling to and from competitions

Bullying is part of growing up and is not something that sports leaders need to be concerned about.

People will usually join a sports club because they want to help out and contribute to the lives of young people