Achieving a positive experience in sport
To achieve a positive experience in sport we believe that organisations and clubs should “sign up” to agreed codes of conduct. Sports coaches/ volunteers should contact their governing body for sports specific codes of conduct. These guidelines should be for:
- All adult club officials - coaches and volunteers
- Young People involved in the sport and
- Parents/carers.
The code of conduct should be viewed as the cornerstone of any efforts to introduce safeguarding procedures within your sport. As well as the positive reasons for having a code of conduct in place, there are also clear risks of not having one; for example:
- It is harder to discipline someone without agreed standards;
- No clarity of roles or boundaries for volunteers.
Please note the codes of conduct may be beneficial when answering the questions related to this section.
Sample Code of Conduct for Coaches all Ireland
Sample Code of conduct for children and young people
Sample Code of conduct for parents