Demonstrate knowledge of the different categories of child abuse and poor practice
It is essential before you start this section that you understand that the ability to recognise child abuse depends as much on a person’s willingness to accept its existence as it does on knowledge and information that you may gain from this module.
It is important that coaches/volunteers realise that every adult involved in children’s activities at whatever level have a responsibility to keep children safe. Administrators have a responsibility to ensure that policy and procedures are in place and that everyone is aware of them.
Abuse commonly occurs within a relationship of trust or responsibility and is an abuse of power or a breach of trust. Abuse can happen to a child regardless of their age, gender, race, or ability. Abusers can be adults (male or female) and other young people, and are usually known to and trusted by the child and family.
What is Abuse?
The specific wording of the definitions of what is child abuse are slightly different in the two jurisdictions but they cover physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation of a child.

More detail on the forms of abuse
To answer the questions at the end of this module you will be required to have an understanding of these definitions.
For further help and guidance refer to:

Useful Contacts

Statutory Contacts